Colorsea.js is a simple color space conversion and color manipulation library
After being compressed by GZIP, it is only 5.7K, and after decompression, it is only about 15K
Color operation
Adjust the color like LESS/SASS, such as `darken`/`lighten`, `saturate`/`desaturate`, `spin`, `fadeIn`/`fadeOut`, `mix` and other methods, easy to use.
Color space
You can use it to convert color spaces (`RGB`, `HSL`, `HSV`, `HSI`, `HWB`, `XYZ`, `LAB`, `LCH`, `xyY`).
Color difference (⊿E)
Support CMC(l:c), CIE2000, CIE1994, CIE1976 and other color difference query
Color names
Support to use `X11`, `Chinese Traditional Color`, `Japanese Traditional Color` types of color names to get the colors. you can also customize the color names.